Noticias de la Industria
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Noticias de la Industria

/Norman successfully attended the 18th National Congress of Laboratory Medicine
Norman successfully attended the 18th National Congress of Laboratory Medicine
August 27, 2024

On August 24, the 18th National Congress of Laboratory Medicine (NCLM) concluded successfully at the Hangzhou International Expo Center. This conference brought together many industry experts and scholars to discuss the latest research results, development trends and challenges in the field of laboratory medicine.

As an outpatient and emergency IVD products leader, Norman participated in the grand event and brought our latest diagnostic solutions to the  laboratory medicine experts! We presented our NORMAN OPEN Integrated System, CLAS-SERIES Integrated System and LIBER-SERIES Total Laboratory Automation solutions. These products fully demonstrated Norman’s outstanding strength and innovation in the IVD field, and showed the infinite possibilities of future laboratory solutions.

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